Life and Physical Sciences

Researching the origin of life and understanding how it is composed and structured is the task of the biochemist, or chemist of the living world. Professionals educated at the Universidad Austral de Chile receive training predominantly in the biological sciences and chemistry, supported by a solid base in physics and mathematics, in order to gain an understanding of the structure of living matter and its transformations and interactions. Ultimately this allows for a thorough understanding of molecular and cellular processes.

As a professional trained at UACh, you will be capable of integrating and applying this knowledge to the solution of problems related to the structure and function of biological systems from a perspective based in chemistry and biology, and in conditions both normal and pathological.

Understanding our hydro-biological resources and researching their evolution and development constitutes an essential task for the future of this planet. The program in marine biology is oriented toward the education of professionals with a solid knowledge base in the area of biology, especially in terms of marine life. This knowledge encompasses not only the biological elements of the ecosystem, but also the physical and chemical elements.

The degree program in geography aims to prepare professionals with a wide-ranging education who are capable of taking on the complex problems afflicting twenty-first century society. The geography program teaches students to carry out work in both the public and private spheres. Possessing solid training in the study of the relationships between society and natural systems, graduates will be capable of working with interdisciplinary teams that comprehensively address problems related to regional development and the integrated management of natural resources and the environment.

With a five-year educational track emphasizing the geology of Chilean Patagonia, we offer a robust training in the field, including a choice of focusing on environmental geology or economic geology during the final two semesters of the program. Students will acquire competencies in the exploration and sustainable utilization of mineral, energy, and hydrological resources. They will also carry out environmental impact studies and evaluate and mitigate the risks associated with phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and soil and aquifer contamination.

The south of Chile has a topography that is markedly different from that of the north. The local geomorphology, directly related to geology and climate, changes spectacularly traveling south, with the Pacific coastline cut by numerous fjords and channels at the feet of the Andean cordillera. Another important factor in the south of the country is the region’s abundant vegetation, which necessitates the use of specific techniques of geological study.

The Bachelor of Science with concentration in Biology, Physics, Mathematics, or Chemistry is the “first degree” of your academic career, and through it you will receive a comprehensive education in the sciences and in the use of the scientific method.

We offer diverse academic and professional options. Upon completing the first four semesters of the program, you will receive an Associate’s Degree in the Sciences (two-year degree). Later, with the completion of the eighth and final semester of the program, you will receive a Bachelor of Science degree with one of several concentrations, and at this point you may opt for one of two routes:

  • A graduate degree in one of the master’s or doctoral programs of our university, or from other national or international institutions.
  • The professional path: As a Bachelor of Science graduate with a specific concentration, you will be able to continue study for two more semesters to obtain the title of professional biologist of chemist, for those respective concentrations, or the title of secondary school teacher in biology, physics, mathematics, or chemistry.

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