Research Groups

The diverse research activities developed at the Universidad Austral de Chile are grouped into 6 Core Research Areas (Núcleos de Investigación). The purpose of the Core Research Areas is to enhance and complement distinct research capacities, guiding diverse academic efforts toward the development of high-impact multidisciplinary research that generates a higher number of scientific publications and research networks both nationally and internationally. Of the 6 Core Research Areas, 4 are focused on the sciences, and 2 on innovation and technology.

Core Research Areas webpage


TAQUACH (Transdisciplinary Studies of the Quaternary Period in the South of Chile)

Quaternary geology, paleobotany, paleontology. Special interest tourism. Imaging for paleontology. Applied geophysics. Geoarchaeology.


TESES (Transdisciplinary Studies of Socio-Ecological Strategies for the Sustainability of Southern Forests)

Biodiversity, ecohydrology. Anthropology of forests, education, communications. Land-use planning, bioenergy economy. Economics, economic policy.

CISVo (Center for Research on Volcanic Soils)

Agricultural and forest sciences. Natural resources. Engineering sciences. Soil sciences. Food science.


RiNA (Applied Sciences and Technologies for the Evaluation and Mitigation of Natural and Anthropogenic Risks in Chile)

Seismic, volcanic, and hydraulic risk evaluation. Evaluation and mitigation of anthropogenic activities.


CISNe  (Interdisciplinary Center for Studies of the Nervous System)

Biochemistry, biological sciences. Mathematics. Pharmacology, neuroscience, chronobiology. Neurology, psychology. Psychiatry, public health. Epidemiology. Political science, sociology.


INLARVI  (Multidisciplinary Network for the Development of Marine Larviculture of Species with Complex Life Cycles)

Aquaculture, endocrinology. Animal pathology, physiology. Ecophysiology and population genetics. Biotechnology.

“Center for Dynamic Research on High-Latitude Marine Ecosystems,” led by the Universidad Austral de Chile and with associate participants including other national universities, and research centers such as the Chilean Antarctic Institute, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI; Germany), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography (USA), and the Korean Polar Research Institute(KOPRI). The IDEAL development plan identifies two strategic geographical areas: the south of Tierra del Fuego and the Antarctic Peninsula. These regions constitute an area that faces significant threats due to their vulnerability in a scenario of escalating global warming affected by human activity.

Go to website

The MERIC Center
(Marine Energy Research & Innovation Center) is the “Center of International Excellence in Marine Energy” funded by the Ministries of Economy and Energy. It is led by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the Universidad Austral de Chile participates as an associate institution along with national and foreign firms. The center’s main undertaking,  unique in Latin America, is to strengthen the capacities for research, development, and technological transfer of renewable marine energy for the country, as well as to generate innovations with global reach. The establishment of MERIC is intended to help to situate Chile as a regional and worldwide leader in marine energy by utilizing the country’s great maritime potential, which includes 5,000 km of open coast along the Pacific Ocean and the powerful tidal forces associated with this extensive coastline.

InnoVING 2030
This project has a duration of 6 years and focuses on important investments for the transformation of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences as a leader in the training of highly competitive, internationally competent professionals. It is closely linked with the public and private sectors, contributing to the advancement of Chile as a developed country.

There are currently 11 journals published by UACh in distinct knowledge areas: Philological Studies (Estudios Filológicos), Archives of Veterinary Medicine (Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria), Agro South Journal (Revista Agro Sur), Forest Journal (Revista Bosque), Pedagogical Studies (Estudios Pedagógicos), Surgery Notebooks (Cuadernos de Cirugía), Law Journal (Revista de Derecho), Tourism Management (Gestión Turística), Austral Journal of Social Sciences (Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales), Technological Synthesis (Síntesis Tecnológico), and AUS Journal: Architecture, Urban Planning, Sustainability (Revista AUS Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Sostenibilidad).

These journals have varied publication frequency. All are indexed in the electronic registry SciELO-Chile, and the first three are indexed in Current Contents (WOS, ex ISI): Estudios Filológicos, Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, and Bosque.

Estudios Filológicos
(Philological Studies) publishes specialized studies in linguistics, literature, and related areas.

Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria
(Archives of Veterinary Medicine) communicates advances and findings in areas such as animal health and production, preventive medicine, zoonosis, pharmacology and therapy, diagnostic methods, and other related areas.

(Forest Journal) publishes original works related to forest ecosystems in the following areas: management and production of forest resources, wood science and technology, silviculture, forest ecology, natural resources conservation, and rural development.

Research in Numbers

Research in Images

(Projects under development or recently completed)