Equipment & Infrastructure
The university currently has 187 operating laboratories available. All UACh laboratories operate with high standards that adhere to current national regulations, and where relevant, they have certifications of Ethics in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Bioethics in the Medical Sciences, and Bioethics in the Use of Research Animals. In addition, where applicable, UACh labs are certified in Biosecurity and Waste Removal by the Environmental Management Unit. Some laboratories are internationally certified, while others are in the process of international certification (international standard ISO 17025).
The number of fully functional research laboratories for each faculty or macro-unit of the university are as follows: Agricultural Sciences, 23; Medicine, 32; Sciences, 77; Forest Sciences and Natural Resources, 11; Veterinary Sciences, 26; Engineering Sciences, 6; Puerto Montt Campus, 6; other macro-units, 6.
Additionally, thanks to financing obtained through national funding opportunities, highly advanced equipment has been installed during the past five years in order to strengthen research in the disciplines of cellular biology, molecular biosciences, animal reproduction, and climate change, along with other areas such as nutrition and metabolism, biomedical imaging, transcriptome sequencing, and soil studies.
The creation of AUSTRAL-Omics is another recent highlight in terms of equipment and infrastructure. It is a new unit of the Faculty of Science tasked with biotechnological innovation, carrying out research and extension services with a comprehensive platform of complex, state-of-the-art equipment in three important areas: genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics.
Research in Numbers