Prospective Students

The academic year at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) runs on a two-semester schedule: the first semester is from March to July, and the second semester is from August to December.

Exchange Students
UACh bilateral exchange programs are available to students attending foreign universities with established exchange agreements. Students from universities that have academic agreements with the Universidad Austral de Chile are exempt from the payment of tuition and academic fees.

If you are uncertain whether your university is an exchange partner, please contact your university’s exchange advisor or simply check our international agreements on-line.


Current International Academic Agreements:
View Academic Agreements
International Agreements in Processing:


We offer 4 types of student exchange:
1) Exchange for one semester or one academic year (courses, practicums, and/or thesis).
2) Research stays.
3) Dual undergraduate degrees (through agreements with other universities).
4) Dual graduate degrees (through agreements with other universities).

Free movers
If your university does not have an exchange agreement with UACh, you might consider attending the Universidad Austral for one or two semesters as a free mover through the UACh Free Movers program. For more information contact

Degree-Seeking Students
Thank you for your interest in studying at the Universidad Austral de Chile! Whether you are a prospective student applying to our university or a newly admitted student, we are happy to assist you in the next steps to becoming a UACh student. Please select your area of interest from the options below.

+ Undergraduate Studies
+ Graduate Studies

If you already know what degree program you are interested in, please proceed directly to the online application form:  Apply on-line

Request additional information:

All prospective students, whether exchange, free mover, or degree-seeking students, should possess a Spanish language proficiency level of at least B1 (B2 is highly recommended).

Applicants to exchange undergraduate and graduate programs (those involving academic agreements between UACh and another university) must be registered and active students at foreign institutions, and the application must be endorsed by the home university.

Apply for exchange undergraduate or graduate degree programs sending an email to, then you will receive an email with the next steps for the official application.

Degree seeking students, either undergraduate or graduate, will be directed to the academic contacts by the Office of International Students. Tell us your academic status and your program of interest at or apply on-line.

+ Undergraduate Studies
+ Graduate Studies

Application deadlines:
-First Semester (March-July): 15 October
-Second Semester (August-September): 15 April

Applicants must possess the following:
-A student visa issued in their home country (a tourist visa is not acceptable)

-Current health insurance that is valid during the entire duration of the academic stay. This insurance must include coverage in case of accidents and hospitalization in the cities of Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Osorno, and Coyhaique, as well as coverage for repatriation.

Information on Student Visas:

The Universidad Austral de Chile offers various options for activities outside the classroom on all of its campuses, including foreign language activities, sports, and artistic and cultural pursuits.

For more information:

International Students in Numbers

International Students in Images