Master’s Programs

Our program has been offered by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences since 1989, and it is taught by academics from the Institute of Animal Production along with collaborating professors from other academic departments and professionals from the Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA). The objective of the program is the training of specialized professionals who are highly skilled both scientifically and technically and able to perform in the areas of teaching, research, and animal production.
Program Director: Juan Pablo Keim
The objective of this program is to train professionals with an interdisciplinary education in the sciences associated with the management and conservation of natural resources, with a solid scientific-technical base in the area of forests and the environment. Graduates will be capable of developing scientific studies and proposing innovative approaches and solutions in the utilization, management, and conservation of natural resources, as well as in the sustainable production of forests and the associated industries, with a clear understanding of the evolving socioeconomic and climatic context.
Program Director: Mauro González
The Master of Plant Science program was created in 1985 by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. It is taught and designed primarily by academics from the Institute of Plant Production and Health, and it is supported by the active participation of other institutes from the faculty and the university as well as researchers from other institutions. The program’s objective is the education of specialists in a way that strengthens technical abilities and research and problem-solving capacities in the public and private sectors linked to the area of plant science.
Program Director: Esteban Basoalto
This program is offered by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and taught by academics from the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Soils in conjunction with professors from other academic departments. The objective of the Master of Soil Science program is to train professionals who are highly skilled scientifically, capable of carrying out research, undertaking teaching duties, or developing new science and technology in the management and conservation of soils and waters, as well as in the area of soil fertility and plant nutrition.
Program Director: José Dörner
The Master of Food Science program is directed at students and professionals who have completed undergraduate programs in food engineering, agronomy, biochemistry, and similar areas that have a solid foundation in the hard sciences of the agri-food field. The program responds to the need for greater graduate-level coverage in topics related to food science, instilling advanced theoretical knowledge as well as methodological tools for scientific research and development of good practices in the areas of food production, processing, and quality control. Advanced food technology is emphasized, as well as the instrumental analysis of food products.
Program Director: Kong Shun Ah Hen
The objective of this program, offered at the university’s Puerto Montt Campus, is to strengthen professional skills through the integration of new knowledge and the application of scientific and technological tools in problem-solving and decision-making in the areas of environmental issues and biosecurity in aquaculture. It is intended for professionals and undergraduate degree-holders in fields related to aquaculture, Chilean and foreign students alike, and especially those who work in industries, businesses, or institutions that utilize aquaculture and/or hydrobiological resources in development, research, innovation, management, or control of the aquatic environment.
Program Director: Carlos Molinet
This academic program is offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences’ Institute of Animal Science in conjunction with other institutes of the Austral University of Chile. Animal science is a diverse and complex ensemble of specialized knowledge areas centered on biology and animal management. In this multidisciplinary program, farm animals are emphasized, particularly in terms of food production processes that are sustainable and ethically acceptable, which supports Chile’s governmental policies calling for the development of the nation as as “agri-food powerhouse.” Students entering this program will be taught through expository classes with abundant audiovisual material, practical visitations and training, and seminars and talks with specialists, forming an integrated approach to the confrontation of problems in basic and applied science in the area of animal science.
Program Director: Nancy Jerez
This scientifically-oriented academic program is offered by the Institute of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, which is part of the university’s Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, in collaboration with other academic departments. It is a multidisciplinary degree program that emphasizes both theoretical and practical education aimed at addressing problems in both basic and applied science in the area of animal health.
Program Director: Javier Ojeda
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction

This program provides students with the skills necessary to to help advance the engineering sciences in the areas of acoustics and vibrations. This occurs through training in theoretical concepts, practical laboratory activities, individual guided study, and the development of a master’s thesis. Graduates will be prepared for development, technical innovation, and the generation of scientific research in the field with a high degree of autonomy. In particular, students in this program are trained to model, analyze, and predict the behavior of highly complex acoustic and vibratory systems and to solve practical problems with innovative and sustainable solutions. This begins with a process of scientific investigation, which is developed in line with the procedures and demands required by modern techniques in this area.
Program Director: Victor Poblete
This program is oriented toward the training of professionals to efficiently solve complex engineering problems. Graduates will be capable of applying knowledge in both study areas—including phase transformation, physical metallurgy, mechanical design, energy transfer, and automatic control—in the search for innovative technological solutions to problems in the productive and academic sectors. Education in these areas will be carried out through applied research that is both technical and interdisciplinary.
Program Director: Ernesto Zumelzu
This is a professional master’s program that has both on-campus and distance components. It is aimed at enhancing, upgrading, and applying skills and abilities in the disciplinary areas associated with environmental and contextual design, and with effective civic participation, through sustainable interventions in the built environment at various scales. The program includes three areas of development and situated research: contextual theory and design, environmental design, and participatory design. These three areas form the curricular centerpieces of the program, whose training equips students to perform assessments, carry out analyses, and provide sustainable solutions and interventions in a relevant and situated manner. This master’s degree seeks to enable professionals with advanced theoretical and practical proficiency, allowing them to handle their professional careers in line with the demands of diverse cultural content, current environmental challenges, and the effective incorporation and participation of the public. Graduates of this program will be responsible for leading design processes within multidisciplinary work groups, actively advancing social innovation from an environmental, contextual, and participatory perspective.
This is a program of academic character whose principal objective is to educate graduates who are highly skilled in research in computer science, specifically in data science and high-performance computing. Our students are competent in solving applied engineering problems based on a scientifically rigorous approach, and they are capable of working on multidisciplinary teams and collaborating with national and international research and development groups. The program offers personalized support to each student on their individual projects with the goal of helping them meet their long-term objectives (e.g., continue studies in a doctoral program, create an innovative company, or join the R&D department of a private firm). Accordingly, a central aspect of the program consists of enabling connections with the productive environment through collaborative projects with private companies or regional, national, or international institutions. The program is organized based on four academic semesters and requires a time dedication of approximately 30 hours per week.
Program Director: Matthieu Vernier
Life and Physical Sciences

The Master of Biochemical Biotechnology is a two-year (four-semester), full-time prorgam designed to prepare students for careers in research in academic institutions, R&D organizations, and biotech-related industries both in the public and private sectors. It also serves as preparation for pursuing further studies at the doctoral level, both at home and abroad.
The program is comprised of a set of core courses and a wide offering of elective courses (first year), which are continually updated and tailored to students’ research directions or career aspirations. Studies are completed with a research thesis (second year), which is evaluated through a written report and an oral presentation.
The broad range of research areas covered by the program staff include aging and neurodegenerative diseases, environmental microbiology, biochemistry, plant molecular biology and physiology, molecular diagnosis of viral and bacterial pathogens, discovery and development of biomarkers, and new therapeutic targets for diseases.
Program Director: Sergio Leiva
Our program aims to educate professionals who are proficient in identifying and addressing basic and applied scientific questions using genetic tools. In our program, students are trained in the use of the scientific method in experimental design, as well as inductive reasoning. All this is oriented toward the development of advanced skills in acquisition, analysis and interpretation of genetic and genomic data. The program’s research areas include population genetics, molecular ecology, comparative and functional genomics, conservation genetics and genetic resources, molecular systematics, phylogeography, and evolutionary genetics. Students graduating from our program are expected to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in one or more of these disciplines. Our program provides robust and advanced scientific training that serves as preparation for the continuing on to doctoral studies. It also opens the possibility of developing professional activities in the academic, public, and private domains.
Program Director: Pablo Sáenz
This master’s program was created in 1975 and is overseen by the Graduate School of the Faculty of Sciences. Its general objective is to impart both traditional and cutting-edge scientific knowledge about bacteria, viruses, and fungi in order for professionals in the area of biology to deepen their knowledge of microbiology and become active and capable in research in the discipline.
Program Director: Eduardo Valenzuela
The principal objective of this program is to train professionals with a robust and integrated education in the ecological sciences, allowing them to develop academically in a way that corresponds to both the academic and professional worlds. This is achieved through training in modern theoretical foundations and up-to-date methodological tools related to the multiple areas in which the ecological sciences are applied, including both present issues and future challenges. This program also emphasizes participation and connections with the university’s other faculties, with the objective of generating a cross-disciplinary vision of ecological problems.
Program Director: Sergio Estay
This master’s degree, offered by the Faculty of Sciences, represents the first and only graduate program of its type in Chile. Students are imparted with the theoretical, experimental, and methodological bases needed to design, develop, and promote research activities and management of paleontological heritage.
The program is centered on learning and on the generation of knowledge about the evolution of living organisms over the history of our planet, together with their interactions and environmental contexts. We also provide training in the legal framework that regulates this discipline. This program is endorsed by the Chilean Council of National Monuments, the entity that regulates the cultural and natural heritage of our country.
Graduates from this master’s program are ready to prepare, present, oversee, and develop research projects, as well as to provide scientific assessment in paleontology. They have a solid knowledge base in the different areas of paleontology, including not only the discipline itself, but also its legal context at both national and international levels. Lastly, graduates are able to evaluate, carry out, and combine strategies in the field in order to provide protection and conservation of paleontological heritage.
Program Director: Karen Moreno
This program provides students with theoretical, experimental, and methodological tools that constitute a specialization in this knowledge area, which entails an understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological components of hydrological systems and their relation to the economic and social activities of humans. In addition, graduates gain the capacity to design and develop research activities and to manage surface hydrological resources.
Program Director: Bruno Mazzorana
Social Sciences and Humanities

The Austral University of Chile’s Master of Business Administration is a professional graduate program that utilizes the classic approach of the “MBA” degree, as it is ubiquitously known and recognized. Our MBA deeply analyzes all areas of business management, and it is adapted to all relevant necessities in the areas of modern business and organizational leadership. Students are imparted with a global and integrated vision of the 21st century business, which helps to develop technical knowledge and management skills in parallel. The program is oriented toward undergraduate degree holders from various disciplines who are interested in developing their managerial abilities for decision-making in complex organizations.
Program Director: Felipe Zúñiga Pérez
The SPRING Program (Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies) is a professional master of science (M.S.) program which, upon completion, is granted by the Technical University of Dortmund (Germany) in conjunction with the Austral University of Chile, or alternatively with one of the other universities in the program’s international network. SPRING has been considered as one of the top ten internationally-focused master’s programs in Germany, and it received official recognition from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2006. The program has a duration of two years: the first year is spent at the Technical University of Dortmund (Germany), and the second is spent at one of the universities associated with the program, either in Chile (Valdivia), Ghana (Kumasi), Tanzania (Dar-es-Salaam), or the Philippines (Manila).
Program Director: Felix Fuders
This program aims to prepare professionals who are highly skilled in research in the area of education policy and management, allowing them to comprehend and resolve issues in diverse organizational contexts. The program covers concepts including interdisciplinary study and international perspectives, as well as introducing complex and contextual analysis, approaching educational phenomena at the organizational and sociopolitical scales. Students will work with both quantitative and qualitative methodological designs oriented toward interpreting and understanding critical nodes in the education system, fostering sound decision-making based on valid and relevant information. Likewise, case studies and other methodological approaches will be considered as areas for the development of applied research methods and strategies for cultural transformation based on critical thinking and participation.
Program Director: Claudia Contreras
This program is intended to educate specialists equipped with solid theoretical and methodological foundations in research, analysis, and problematization of the contemporary creative and cultural processes present in Hispano-American literature, largely from interdisciplinary perspectives. The program promotes academic production among students through material support for attending conferences and seminars and, above all, for publishing in scholarly journals.
Program Director: Cecilia Rodriguez
The term contemporary thought indicates that the curricular focus of this program is concentrated primarily on problems of modernity, including the configuration of a new subjectivity and its consequences in the epistemological, political, and ethical spheres. In chronological terms, while the educational goals of this program largely correspond to philosophical questions and arguments arising in the twentieth century, its development also demands the rigorous analysis of their nineteenth-century precursors. As such, contemporary thought as envisioned by this program extends from the critical reflection of the nineteenth century to the question of the end of modernity that we encounter in the present day.
Program Director: Roberto Chacana
This program, taught by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Austral University of Chile in conjunction with the University of Girona (Spain), aims to educate professionals with expertise in legal culture, both Hispanic in particular and occidental in general. Graduates will develop a keen understanding of the historical evolution, current issues, and possibilities for future development of the principal areas of juridical knowledge. The program intends to educate jurists capable of reinterpreting, constructing, and comprehending law, and who are able to theoretically sustain their practical legal claims. Likewise, students will learn to situate the juridical tradition in the global context in which it is developing and, through this knowledge, cultivate the capacity to provide solutions that are reasoned, comparative, and supported by an extensive legal culture.
This master’s program breaks from the general tendency of current legal studies by not seeking specialization in a concrete technical area, but rather educating students from a theoretical perspective that will allow them to face any challenge that may arise in practice. They are provided with an extensive, solid foundation in the field that will enable them to form intelligent and original solutions. The program confers an enduring education: beyond studying rules and regulations, which are ever-changing, here the focus is on how they came to be, why they were produced as such, and where current normative and cultural changes are leading.
Program Director: Daniela Accatino
This program addresses the study and analysis of the great issues of the twenty-first century (water, poverty, violence, climate change, ecosystem destruction, and biodiversity, among others). This academic endeavor is carried out from a transdisciplinary perspective.
Program Director: Gastón Vergara
This program aspires to provide graduates with the tools needed for an integrated understanding of rurality in Latin America, as well as those necessary to contribute to rural development. These topics are approached with a local perspective and with special attention to small and family businesses and to local sectors and actors with limited access to resources. The program is fully accredited and is coordinated by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in conjunction with the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. The Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences also collaborate in the delivery of this master’s degree, allowing for a truly interdisciplinary education.
Program Director: Juan Lerdon
This highly academic master’s program is aimed at deepening and updating knowledge in history and the social sciences, developing research, and fomenting an interdisciplinary perspective in the study of current issues. The program is focused on the history of the present, a new specialization within the field of history that addresses the present era. This area is understood not just as the study of the recent past, that of generations that are currently living, but also as a redefinition and reflection upon the activity of historiography in particular. The distinctive characteristics of the present call for the field of history to work with the social sciences in an interdisciplinary manner, sharing theories, methodologies, and general knowledge. Graduates from this program are expected to be capable of forming a synthesis from the problems studied, thereby obtaining a comprehensive vision of the present, and of developing a heightened understanding of the relationships that exist among different aspects of our reality. The program intends to strive for historical truth while demystifying the present. It follows that the student of the history of the present has a social responsibility and an ethical and civic commitment to the development of his or her academic endeavor.
Program Director: Fabián Almonacid
This master’s program has been offered since 1998 by the Graduate School of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. It has been designed to impart a global understanding of communication and its impact on culture, as well as to set out a dialogic and reflexive paradigm aimed at educating graduates capable of supporting processes of sociocultural development.
Program Director: Claudio Valdés
The objective of this program, which is offered at the Puerto Montt Campus, is to deliver a high quality education in integrates theoretical and practical factors linked to the work of the clinic with adult patients. This is carried out from a perspective that highlights three approaches to clinical psychology: post-rationalism, the systemic perspective, and psychoanalysis. This is a professional master’s program organized based on a four-semester study plan, and it is intended for psychologists, those with undergraduate degrees in psychology, or doctors with psychiatric specialties who are interested in developing skills linked to clinical psychotherapy with adult patients in both public and private contexts. The program aims to train professionals who are critical, reflexive, and competent in the field of adult clinical psychology. Graduates will possess the knowledge, capabilities, and aptitudes necessary to work effectively in psychotherapeutic and mental health contexts, both public and private, from post-rationalist cognitive, systemic, or psychoanalytical perspectives.
Program Director: José Cabrera